Daystrom technical institute warp speed calculator
Daystrom technical institute warp speed calculator

daystrom technical institute warp speed calculator

Stardrive: Uses a warp engine that allow ship to travel at Warp Factor 4.8 on cruise (0.017 LY / hour), Warp Factor 5.6 Flank (0.036 LY / hour ), and Warp Factor 7.2 Emergency (0.082 LY / Hour). Troi blinked, momentarily disoriented by the speed with which she had been.

  • 10 8 m/s) and w w the warp factor): v w3c v w 3 c. Atmospheric Propulsion: Maximum cruise speed is Mach 8.5, fighter can enter an atmosphere because fighter has anti-gravity systems. This program displays a table with lightspeed values as calculated from Warp 1 to Warp 9.9999 (or if using the old Cochrane scale from 1 to 24), it al.
  • US6324912B1 Massachusetts Institute Of Technology Flaw. For Star Trek: The Original Series, the warp equation is generally accepted to be ( v v velocity through space, c c the speed of light ( 3 108 3

    daystrom technical institute warp speed calculator daystrom technical institute warp speed calculator

    Publication Date: Fri Jun 20 00:00: Research Org.: Hanford Works, Richland, WA (United States) Sponsoring Org.: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States) OSTI Identifier: 10155870 Report Number(s): HW-56184-DEL. Actual speed of the train, actual power setting of the locomotive consist.

    Daystrom technical institute warp speed calculator